Antyodaya Gruha Yojana Form Download

Antyodaya Gruha Yojana Form Download | antyodaya gruha yojana Eligible | Antyodaya Gruha Yojana Apply | Antyodaya Gruha Yojana Benefits | Antyodaya Gruha Yojana Odisha |

ଅନ୍ତୋଦୟ ଗୃହ ଯୋଜନା ✅ Antyodaya Gruha Yojana in Odia | antyodaya gruha yojana full details.

what is Antyodaya Gruha Yojana | Antyodaya Gruha Yojana Benefits | who is eligible Antyodaya Gruha Yojana

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Govemment of Odisha is committed to provide pucca houses to all. In this endeavour all eligible households left out from the ongoing housing schemes, victims of natural / man-made calamities, households displaced due to development projects, PwD who is the main eaming member of the family and FRA beneficiaries will be sanctioned pucca house. In the above backdrop, the new scheme called “Antyodaya Gruha Jojana (AGJ)” is launched to ensure shelter security to all.

The beneficiary is entitled for housing assistance of Rs.1.2 Lakh for constructing pucca house with minimum carpet area of 25 square meters which includes hygienic cooking space and excludes toilet area. Antyodaya Gruha Yojana Form Download

The beneficiaries ofAntyodaya Gruha Jojana, pradhan Mantri Awaas yojana(Gramin), PM-JANMAN or any other Govemment funded Rural Housing schemes will receive incentive ofRs.20,000/_ and Rs.10,000/_ for completion of house within 4 & 6 months respectively from the date of receipt of 1st installment.

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